Monday, March 14, 2016

One of Our Most Recent Apostles Visits the Ghana MTC

Just 3 days after all of our new missionaries arrived we were blessed by the visit of Elder Ronald Rasband who is a new member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles.  We were so honored and excited that he would come and talk to the missionaries in the MTC!

It was raining outside when he arrived!  We moved the photo in the cafeteria.  
He took the time to shake 104 missionaries' hands!  When he spoke to the missionaries, he told them he learns many things about them just by a handshake.  He asked the missionaries what they would want him to know when he shakes hands with them.  Sister Njoroge, from Kenya said, "That I am one of the Lord's witnesses."  Sister Arthur said, "That you see the light of Christ in their eyes."
He said, "I noticed when I shook your hand that you are wearing a noble crown right now.  You have a name tag that identifies you as a witness of Jesus Christ.  By looking into your eyes I can learn a lot about a person.  When you meet people on the street, look them in the eyes, and let them know you love them, and will take good care of them.  You were all interviewed by an apostle as I shook your hand.  I shook President Monson's hand before I left to come here.  You are only a hand shake away from" the Prophet of the Church!"

Our sweet Sister Koffi lead us in singing,
"Called To Serve"
It is an overwhelming joy to hear these missionaries sing!

We then had the privilege to hear him lead a discussion tailored to our missionaries.  He shared a message from our dear prophet, Thomas S. Monson.  He said tell them two things for me.
1.  President Monson and the 12 Apostles love you!
2.  We thank you!!!!    Thank you for serving a mission.
He said to the missionaries, "You will leave your families in better condition than when you left them by serving your mission."

When Jesus Christ came to the Americas in III Nephi, he taught 
'One by One'.  

1 comment:

  1. I continue to read your blog as you have enriched my life through your example and spirit. I copied and pasted your words from Elder Rasband to Elder Stephens hoping that he too will understand the importance of looking into others eyes and letting them know you love them.
