Saturday, April 8, 2017

Week 2 and the African Handshake

 In Ghana and, as we're finding out, in most parts of Africa when two people shake hands it can be an elaborate process. After shaking in the traditional way there are at least three more steeps ....

A. The 'Over the Thumb Grasp' like this ...

B. Then the hand shakers return to the traditional handshake like this...

C. That grasp then slides to just holding finger ends ...

D. Then the tricky part is to break the handshake by snapping the fingers...

At first I thought that this is just a thing that the youth do, but no, even 70 years olds do it!!!
I struggle to try to do it but my finger snap is pretty weak.

Attending the Accra Temple i always a highlight. This week in the temple we were able to do temple work for 5 missionaries' parents. This means that at least 5 of our missionaries have no living parents.
As the Hills and we acted as proxy for parents, our hearts melted when we joined hands binding not only families but continents. Three hands of differing colors united in faith for Eternity.

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